Direct to Consumer Telesales:
Alive and Well, Post-Pandemic?
“With Teddy’s expertise, and the way the company revolutionized the call center, NexRep could be of great benefit to Script to Screen’s business and their relationships specific to DTC.”
The Science of Modern Telesales, scripttoscreen.com
DRTV expert Ken Kerry called on contact center pioneer and NexRep CEO, Teddy Liaw, to learn why telesales are often overlooked when creating a profitable sales strategy.
Have you wondered…
- How does a toll-free number impact sales revenue?
- What are the benefits of onshore versus offshore contact centers?
- Why is the work-from-home model critical to telemarketing success?
- How important is the agent-to-caller ratio to sales outcomes?
- How can you be sure to have contact center coverage that matches call demand?
- When is it best to use an automated system versus live agents?
- What data is captured to help your business achieve even greater sales success?
Get answers to these questions and more – visit ScripttoScreen.com to watch “The Science of Modern Telesales” or play the video below. Script to Screen is a direct response media agency co-founded by Ken Kerry.
About NexRep
NexRep is a Marketplace Platform that connects US-based contact center professionals with third-party clients. The NexRep Marketplace Platform is designed to empower independent contractors to work from home and select their own schedules, all while delivering world-class customer experiences and exceptional results for top American companies.
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