NexRep Perks Independent contracting has its perks

Enjoy exclusive discounts and savings
NexRep Perks is a program that recognizes the service provided by independent contractors to NexRep’s clients and their customers via the NexRep Marketplace.
How it Works
NexRep Perks Program Tiers
Learn more about the perks available in each tier and how many points it takes to qualify.

Hear what Marketplace Contractors have to say about their quality of life!
Frequently Asked Questions
NexRep Marketplace Contractors earn points for doing things that contribute to an exceptional customer experience. This includes successfully completing certification and supported production, adhering to their self-selected schedule, and hitting other client-specific targets depending on the client they are providing services for.
Marketplace Contractors are able to track their points via a dashboard available to them in NexRep’s Marketplace Platform software.
When Marketplace Contractors accumulate enough points to qualify for a new tier of perks, they’ll automatically receive an email with details about the new perks that are available and how to access those partner savings offers.
Perks are made available via our partners and are not administered by NexRep, so if you continue to pay premiums, you can keep your perks even if you stop servicing for NexRep.
NexRep is connecting independent contractors to exclusive discounts and savings opportunities and is not providing employee benefits nor establishing an employee benefit program. Each independent contractor makes their own decision whether to engage with a Perks Partner. NexRep receives no compensation in any form from the Perks Program.