
Human-Focused Contact Center Solutions Experience is everything. At NexRep, we know that creating exceptional experiences for our Marketplace Contractors inspires them to create exceptional customer experiences.

We're Virtual by Design

NexRep Marketplace. Human Focused. Compliant & Secure.

We mindfully designed our business with one objective: to empower a high quality, high performing virtual workforce. We believe that agent inspiration drives superior performance. The NexRep Marketplace and our proprietary platforms provide work-at-home agents with the tools, processes, and knowledge required to consistently deliver world-class customer engagements across all communication channels.

We Love Home Sweet Home

Highly Skilled. Dedicated. Certified. Flexible. US-Based.

Our work-at-home model allows us to source the best and brightest agents across 31 states. That flexibility leads to a diverse, talented agent workforce not typically available to traditional contact center outsourcing partners. Each agent is empowered for success; dedicated to a single client; and enabled with the tools, technologies, and certifications to deliver superior results from the comfort of home.

Home Sweet Home

We're Mission Driven

Enable. Engage. Empower. Enhance.

We’re at the forefront of a mounting revolution – the rise of the social enterprise. Our mission is to bring a human focus to the contact center industry, to engage and empower a workforce of exceptionally happy people delivering exceptional results. People joining the NexRep Marketplace as independent contractors have found interesting work, unrivaled flexibility, and a more fulfilling work-life balance.


How can NexRep help you?

The Company We Keep