
What it's like to be a NexRep Marketplace Contractor

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After joining the NexRep Marketplace, our Contractor Launch Team will help you hit the ground running.

  • They’ll coordinate with you to complete the necessary paperwork, including how to order a background check, sign your Independent Contractor Agreement, and submit your W-9 tax form.
  • They’ll make sure you have access to all the necessary accounts and system logins needed to provide services to NexRep’s clients.
  • They’ll invite you to attend a pre-certification Meet & Greet, where you’ll have an opportunity to learn more about the certification required by NexRep’s clients and ask questions.


Prior to handling customer contacts, you’ll need to successfully complete client-sponsored certification.

  • Certification is in a virtual environment and typically lasts for one week.
  • The certification experience is instructor-led, but highly interactive. You’ll be interacting with the instructor, as well as your fellow Marketplace Contractors.
  • Certification is a critical part of ensuring success. As such, this excellent educational opportunity is available to you free of charge.

Service Time

After you successfully complete certification, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to start handling customer contacts and making money. Even though you’ll be ready to go, you won’t be on your own. You’ll have access to a team of Resource Specialists, available to offer help when you request it. That help is available by request in real-time, anytime.

From that point forward, the experience you’ll have as an independent contractor within the NexRep Marketplace is different from the experience you would have at a traditional contact center in the following ways:

  • You are not an employee. NexRep is not an employer.
  • You’ll be your own boss. No one will tell you when to work or how much to work. You’ll make those decisions for yourself, based on what makes the most sense for your life.
  • You’ll have the ability to schedule your services with easy self-scheduling.
  • You’ll have much greater control over how much you earn.
  • Everything you do will be done in a virtual environment, through cloud-based systems.
  • You’ll get to provide services from the comfort of your own home. No commute necessary!

See what other NexRep Marketplace Contractors have to say about their experiences:

Setting up your home office

Success when working from home starts with the right office setup. When setting up your home office, we recommend you aim for the following:

A quiet, distraction-free space

High speed, hard-wired internet access

A noise canceling headset

Dual monitors

A reliable desktop or laptop computer

Next Steps

After you click to join the NexRep Marketplace, next steps will include:

  1. Registering to be a NexRep Marketplace Contractor. That will take just 2-3 minutes.
  2. Completing the NexRep Marketplace Contractor Assessment. That will take about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Immediately after completing the Assessment, you will find out if any 3rd-party contracting opportunities are available to you based on your Assessment results.
  4. If an opportunity is available, you will have immediate access to self-schedule a meeting with a Marketplace Coordinator at a time that works for you. Most meetings are scheduled to occur within 12 to 72 hours from the time of scheduling.
  5. A Marketplace Coordinator will call you at the time and telephone number you specified. The call should last about 10 minutes, during which time the Coordinator will match you with a client and discuss next steps in greater detail.
  6. After your call with the Marketplace Coordinator, you will be instructed on how to order a background check, complete your Independent Contractor Agreement and tax forms, and attend a Meet & Greet. Your background check is self-funded for a one-time fee of $25. That fee is payable directly to a third-party background check service. NexRep does not receive any portion of that fee.
  7. When you attend the hour-long Meet & Greet, you’ll learn more about what to expect during client-sponsored certification and you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions.
  8. The final step before becoming a NexRep Marketplace Contractor is to attend and successfully complete client-sponsored certification.

Ready to join the NexRep Marketplace?